



Public Enum SchMainRow
Number = 2
Module = 3
Modtype = 4
Taskno = 5
Patask = 6
Taskname = 7
Tantoname = 9
TantoID = 10
time = 11
Startday = 12
Endday = 13
Progress = 15
Delay = 16
Status = 17
Remarks = 18
shestartdate = 19
End Enum

Dim TantoID
Dim worktime
Dim workno
Dim startdate
Dim startcol
Dim temptime
Dim time
Dim color
Dim flg
Sub aaa()

MaxRow = Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row

y = 7
Do Until y = MaxRow + 2
maketask (y)
y = y + 2


End Sub
Sub bbb()
MaxRow = Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row
y = 8
Do Until y = MaxRow + 1
makezisseki (y)
y = y + 2

End Sub

Sub maketask(line As Integer)
TantoID = Cells(line, SchMainRow.TantoID).Value
worktime = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(TantoID, Sheets("パラメータシート").Range("A:C"), 3, False)
workno = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(TantoID, Sheets("パラメータシート").Range("A:D"), 4, False)
color = Sheets("パラメータシート").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Find(What:=TantoID).Interior.color

If Cells(line, SchMainRow.Startday).Font.ColorIndex = 3 Then
startdate = Cells(line, SchMainRow.Startday).Value
startcol = SchMainRow.shestartdate + DateDiff("d", Cells(5, SchMainRow.shestartdate).Value, startdate)
startdate = Cells(5, SchMainRow.shestartdate).Value
startcol = SchMainRow.shestartdate
End If

worktime2 = Cells(line, SchMainRow.time).Value

x = 0
flg = False
Do Until worktime2 <= 0
If Cells(5, startcol + x).Font.ColorIndex = 3 Then
GoTo Continue
End If

time = worktime - Sheets("予定工数").Cells(workno + 2, startcol + x).Value
If time <= 0 Then
GoTo Continue
End If
If worktime2 - time > 0 Then
Sheets("予定工数").Cells(workno + 2, startcol + x).Value = Sheets("予定工数").Cells(workno + 2, startcol + x).Value + time
Cells(line, startcol + x).Value = time
Cells(line, startcol + x).Interior.color = color
worktime2 = worktime2 - time
Sheets("予定工数").Cells(workno + 2, startcol + x).Value = Sheets("予定工数").Cells(workno + 2, startcol + x).Value + worktime2
Cells(line, startcol + x).Value = worktime2
Cells(line, startcol + x).Interior.color = color
worktime2 = 0
End If
If startflg = False And Cells(line, SchMainRow.Startday).Font.ColorIndex <> 3 Then
startflg = True
Cells(line, SchMainRow.Startday).Value = Cells(5, SchMainRow.shestartdate + x).Value
End If
If worktime2 <= 0 And Cells(line, SchMainRow.Endday).Font.ColorIndex <> 3 Then
Cells(line, SchMainRow.Endday).Value = Cells(5, SchMainRow.shestartdate + x).Value
End If

x = x + 1

End Sub
Sub makezisseki(line As Integer)

startcol = SchMainRow.shestartdate + DateDiff("d", Cells(2, 5).Value, Cells(3, 5).Value)
Do Until startcol - SchMainRow.shestartdate = 0
Cells(line, SchMainRow.time).Value = Cells(line, SchMainRow.time).Value + Cells(line, startcol).Value

startcol = startcol - 1

End Sub

Sub dataclear()
Range("S7:" & ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Address).ClearContents
Range("S7:" & ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Address).Interior.ColorIndex = 2
Sheets("予定工数").Range("S3:" & Sheets("予定工数").Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Address).ClearContents
End Sub